Monthly Archives: November 2016


Diwali (Deepavali)

Diwali is celebrated by Hindus, Jains, and Sikhs and some Buddhists to mark different historical events, stories but they all symbolise the victory of light over darkness, knowledge over ignorance, good over evil, hope over despair. The mythical stories told for Diwali vary regionally and within the traditions of Hinduism. Yet, they all point to
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Message from a President of UPAA

Dr Santosh Yadav is an Ayurvedic Doctor and very well known in the community .He helped a several members of the Indian community in giving wellness advice whenever required. As a Founder and Chair of the Uttar Pradesh Association of Australia Inc. (UPAA), he is a committed worker for the community for the in Melbourne
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COVID-19 Community Support Appeal

Dear Friends This is our opportunity to support the vulnerable sections of our community during a very tough time! We are seeking your support for this noble cause! As you are all aware, the world is going through an unprecedented situation i.e the COVID-19 pandemic. This has impacted everyone in some form or another. However,
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Uttar Pradesh